Thursday, December 24, 2009


I have been in Florida for a week and the weather is pretty bad. Not bad like the rest of the country...but bad all the same. It is cold, cloudy and windy and not really what any of us had hoped for. I would love to have a few beach days but it is looking unlikely. So I have been making things. Trying to keep busy and trying to not just watch TV and read all day. I have seen other people experiment with Polymer so I jumped on the train and made this necklace.
It is really easy to use and bake and the color assortment is pretty great at any craft store.
Here is one picture of the necklace and I will sand and gloss to make it a little more finished.
I made a few more pieces and used the beige color which isn't really the best color because it looks a little to flesh toned and doesn't sit well on my skin.
Other projects I have been working on coming.
Also get to play with my dad's fancy camera which has been very fun.
Can't wait for tonight! Christmas Eve is when we open all our presents after dinner.

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